Asus P4T533-C questions

Discussion in 'Asus' started by Ulf S, May 10, 2008.

  1. Ulf S

    Ulf S

    May 10, 2008
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    Hi all.
    I'm using an old Asus P4T533-C mb and would like to continue doing that, but upgrading the CPU from a P4 1.8 400FSB to something better.

    I'm not new to computers but also not a wiz when it comes to understanding of tech. hardware. For example, my P4 cpu seem to be a Northwood. I've seen P4 Prescott around, and I suppose it's a newer version with "hyperthreading". Does anyone know if Prescott CPUs works with my MB?
    When I bought the MB I was told it doesnt work, but I've read forums saying otherwise.

    Is there a site where I can check what CPUs and RDRAMs are compatible with each other for my motherboard?

    Basically, what I am trying to do is getting a faster CPU that works with this MB, and that also works well with RDRAM PC800. If anyone knows, I'd be most thankful.

    Ulf S, May 10, 2008
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