Asus P5E-VM HDMI not powering up

Discussion in 'Asus' started by sohel08, Jul 10, 2008.

  1. sohel08


    Jul 8, 2008
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    Components on my system are as below.

    1. Asus MOBO P5E-VM HDMI
    2. Intel Quad 2 core 6600
    3. Antec P/S

    It was working fine and suddenly hung. A few days back I upgraded the BIOS. Now it doesnt even power up.

    When I push the power on the Power fan starts and shuts off. I dont see the P/S fan running as well. I dont see the hard disk work too. The processor fan runs for a second and shuts off. The Green LED on motherboard keeps lit. But nothing happens further. The next time I push the power button neither the fan runs nor any thing happens.

    All the fans run only for 1st time I power up for 1 second and then halt. Next time I push the power button nothing moves. I checked the power supply it works fine. Checked the rigs for wiring looks fine. I doubted on the Mother board and went to fry's to get a new one. Same case. Changed the power supply same state.

    Need help. Appreciate earliest response.
    sohel08, Jul 10, 2008
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