ESata DVR Question

Discussion in 'Asus' started by joyce, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. joyce


    Oct 1, 2007
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    I am trying to hook up a Seagate Free Agent Pro HD with and ESata connection to a Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300 HD. I have followed all directions to the letter and I get an error message that "the drive is not functioning properly-check connection". Neither Time Warner or SA will help me because they don't support connection issues-it is at the customer's risk but they did say the locally the E Sata drive is active on the DVR's. Any suggestions?

    Here is the normal procedure
    Unplug everything-plug in Esata connector to HD, then HD to Power, then ESata from HD to DVR, then DVR to power, wait for boot and then turn unit on-supposed to get one of 2 messages-it works or format me-I get neither.
    Any help is appreciated.
    joyce, Oct 1, 2007
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