I need Help.....With this motherboard

Discussion in 'Asus' started by Viper30, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. Viper30


    Feb 15, 2009
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    :mad: Hello all I have a question for you. I build my owen computers and have been doing it for a while now. I built this computer,

    XFX 750a SLI mobo
    8gig dual channel Crossair Memory
    Phenom II 3.0 Quad core chip
    2 Galaxy 9600gt 1gig video cards for Sli
    2 1.5tb segate hard drives ( NOT RUNNING RAID )
    1 pci usb 2.0 card
    Logic Tech G15 gaming keyboard
    Logic Tech G5 gaming mouse
    OCZ 700 Watt power supply
    32" wide screen monitor

    Nothing was over cloced

    The Origanl Mobo that I had was an Asus. I installed it and it never booted did not do nothing wouldn't even post.Then I went to the local computer store picked up an XFX 750a Sli mobo Installed and after time playing with all the jumpers and getting things installed ran great for 4 days. then it just shut down would not boot back up wouldnt do nothing.

    I replaced my power supply with a rocketfish 700watt computer will power up with this now. but still will not post or boot. I went back to the local computer store and returned and got the same motherboard, and installed that and that board is giveing me an error code of D5 witch I have read up on and is saying something about memory. so I went to my friends house to test my video cards and memory and they tested out fine. I tryed reseating the memory and chip still nothing. I dont think it could be the chip or could it, I can't test the chip in my friends computer because it the wrong socket. I took everything off the board chip included and I just get the D5 error Upon looking at the manual for the mobo I looked at the spec's and found that the mobo only supports up 95watts for the chip and my chip is 125watts is this a problem and what would be my problem with the computer just shuting down.I have 2 80mm fans in the from for intake 1 120mm fan in the rear to pull air out 1 80mm fan on the side for intake and 1 80mm fan on top to pull air out. I was playing World of war craft online for long periods of time with no problem and I went online and played Left for dead and played 2 or 3 rounds and thats when the computer shutdown. I tryed resetting bios nothing. any help would be great. im going to go get another mobo that will support the right wattage for my chip. is there a way to test the chip or is it one of those things were if it works it works if not send it back??

    Thanks for the help

    Viper30, Feb 15, 2009
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