motion sensetive

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Madmuazel, Jan 30, 2007.

  1. Madmuazel


    Jan 30, 2007
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    My dad was attaching some of those motion sensetive lights to the outside of the house and managed to drop one I decided to rip the little motion sensetive conpartment appart to see what was inside. Noticing the little sensor I had an idea. Is there anyway that it could be linked up to my computer so that motion would activate something (like cheap webcam) as my bro has been deleting thigs yet I cant catch him at it. Bit short on cash and was going to get a cheap webcam anyway, is this possible?
    ie.turn on and montion activates camera to film.

    I have a good digital camera, could it be run through this? Prob not possible, but I am bored and want a new job.
    Madmuazel, Jan 30, 2007
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