Problems with an Pentium 4 3.2Ghz and 910GL card

Discussion in 'Dell' started by Pentium4, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. Pentium4


    Mar 29, 2010
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    I own a 6 year old Dell Optiplex Sx280.

    I bought it for $125, thinking possibly i could convert this small thing into a Multi 5th and 6th generation gaming pc, running stable if packed with enough HD space and working around the integrated card to allow.

    I understand going into a Intel family chipset with the idea that this is going to blow my mind...isn't going to happen, but i remember the tests between amd64 series, which i have owned, and Pentium4 3.2 and 3.4 walked away with fair marks.

    all in all, the intel proves itself to be stable....for atleast 30 minutes before fully crashing to 4bit coloring and asking for a reboot, where the amd overclocked could not perform well, but would atleast stabalize itself and not crash as often

    My specs are:

    ACPI Multiprocessing PC
    Integrated Intel P4 3.2Ghz -- V5.1.2600.0 --
    *(for some reason) TWO Intel 910GL Express Family Chipsets - Version V (Intel reminds me since this is Dell, no driver upgrade is available)
    500G HD
    2.5G RAM

    *I've had a buddy stare in wonder when my system shows that i have 2 Intel910gl chipsets.

    Both say Device 2, one only says Function 1, one is 0.

    This machine confuses me aswell with Directx versions.

    The Intel site SAYS P4 and 910 are both complient with 9.0, but when i try to run Half-Life 2, it reminds me my hardware version is stuck on 8.03.

    Is intel high-balling me and lterally stating yes it's complient in u can download it, doesn't mean it's going to work.

    And on that game aswell as others who's specs call for a P4, all usually crash with the same ialmrnt5 display driver stopped working problem.....this is annoying me.

    Please help anybody who can to solve some of these issues, and i thank you.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2010
    Pentium4, Mar 29, 2010
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