Rebuilding RAID Array On P4C800

Discussion in 'Asus' started by milkmandan, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. milkmandan


    Mar 20, 2007
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    So I had 3 Hard Drives.
    -Seagate 200GB
    -Hitachi 160GB

    Strange as it is, these drives are all in separate RAID arrays.
    The Hitachi was in Raid 0 Array 1
    The Maxtor was in Raid 0 Array 2 (MY WINDOWS BOOT DRIVE)
    The Seagate was in Raid 0 Array 3
    (*yes I know that is rather pointless and useless, but thats just how it was set up).

    Now here is my problem...

    The Hitachi failed on me. HDD read errors and all that good junk showing HDD failure. So okay I dont care, i got most of my stuff out and then decided to not use it since it was causing windows to disk check it every time i booted up my compy.

    So I powered down my computer and then removed the cables from the Hitachi.

    I booted up my computer again to try to redefine my arrays. Now that the Hitachi is no longer there, the Maxtor and Seagate get bumped down one array level. I DON'T KNOW WHY IT DOES THAT, it just does.

    So, the Maxtor is now in array 1 and the Seagate is in array 2. The BIOS is thinking to boot from array 2, but there is obviously no OS there.
    So, to fix this little error I go in and I delete the arrays. *At this step I did not clear BOOT sector.
    and I defined the Maxtor to be in Array 2 and the Seagate to be in Array 1.

    I tried rebooting and it gives me this error message: Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key.

    So obviously that did not work.
    So I decided to be smart thinking that I needed to clear the boot sector and then redefine it.
    So I did that, I cleared the boot sectors of each HD and then redefined them. I did not do Quick Initialize. I just created the Arrays again.

    This did not work either. Still getting the same error.

    So, I am torn because I keep hearing that doing a Quick initialize will wipe everything from the HD.
    So to make sure it wouldn't do that, I did a small test, I reattached my Hitachi and built a random array for it and did a Quick Initialize for it. I didn't hear any HD activity at all for it and there was no reformat or initializing screen when I did it. it was just as if rebuilt the array for it without initializing it. It just jumped to the define screen.

    This is probably where i did something wrong and screwed myself over.

    I rebuilt the array for my Maxtor and Seagate and then did a quick initialize for both of them hoping the reboot will work.

    I did it, and it STILL doesn't work giving me the same error messages.

    SO what to do now?

    Should I try to find programs to rebuild the array?
    Or can I just put these HDs in IDE configuration and do a Primary Master/Seconary Master.

    My RAID controller is FastBuild Utility 2.01 Promise Technology
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
    milkmandan, Mar 20, 2007
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