Temp problem in HP dv8000 laptop

Discussion in 'HP' started by MtnGirl, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. MtnGirl


    Dec 23, 2007
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    I have a HP dv8000 laptop; I bought it a little over a year ago so it’s out of warranty. Recently I have been having some problems with it temperature. About eight months ago I noticed that my computer would shut itself down if I played a processor heavy game for several hours without proper ventilation. Not a big problem I thought, I started just played with proper ventilation but about three months ago the computer started shutting down when doing relatively processor friendly tasks and with proper ventilation. I figured out it was temp related after I got Notebook Hardware Control. When I monitor the ACPI temperature it varies drastically when I start the computer its at maybe 43 C normally operating temp is about 55-60 C but when I play a game or run anything even slightly processor heavy the temp jumps to between 75-88 C and by jump I mean one second its at 65 the next its 85. Also sometimes while it’s running the program the temp will just jump around 85, 72, 88, 65, 83 etc. Literally from one second to the next this is while doing something like watching a DVD. I cleaned the fan and back vent with compressed air like someone recommended which helped a bit but not much. Also when I check out the ACPI settings in the monitoring program it lists this:

    TZ Description Value Name
    TZ01 Thermal Zone #0
    Actual Temp 60 C _TMP
    Critical Temp 99 C _CRT

    TZ02 Thermal Zone #1
    Actual Temp 0 C _TMP
    Critical Temp 105 C _CRT

    Core 0 Processor Core #0
    Junction Temp 100 C
    Actual Core Temp 58 C

    Core 1 Processor Core #1
    Junction Temp 100 C
    Actual Core Temp 56 C

    Also strangely enough the control program can’t show the HD temperature. It just lists it at 0 C.
    My computers details are:
    Intel CPU T250 @ 2.00Ghz
    2 CPU cores, 666Mhz FSB, 1022.04MB RAM

    Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I bought the computer to play games on and I haven’t been able to do that in awhile.
    MtnGirl, Dec 23, 2007
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